
Here are various options to order the products you are interested in:

  • You can complete your purchases through our e-shop. First, you choose the products you are interested in, placing them in your Shopping Cart. Once you have completed your purchases, you click on your Shopping Cart and you can finilize your order, following the steps which are indicated.
  • You can call us on : (+30) 2310 428 128 or on (+30) 2310 428 138. You can contact us during the working days and hours. With the help of our experienced personnel, you will receive more information regarding the product you are interested in and you will be able to order it, by providing the name of the product or the specific code of the product which is indicated in our e-shop.
  • You can order products via e-mail. You can send your order to our email : info@surfcenter.gr . You need to send us your full communication and shipping information and we will inform you regarding the shipping of your order.

For any futher information or clarification you may contact us on: (+30) 2310 428 128 or send an email to : info@surfcenter.gr